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FHA existing property condition screening checklist

This list is for reference only and does not guarantee compliance with FHA Minimum Property Requirements. Minimum Property Requirements are to ensure the health and

safety of the occupants and/or the marketability of the property.

Site hazards and nuisances

  • Operating or proposed oil or gas well site boundary may not be within 75 feet of dwelling.

  • Property line cannot be located within 300 feet of an above ground or subsurface stationary storage tank with a capacity of 1,000 gallons or more of flammable or explosive material.

  • Evidence of land subsidence or sinkholes requires geologic inspection.

  • Abandoned oil or gas wells require letter stating abandonment was done in a permanent safe matter.

  • Abandoned wells emitting hydrogen sulfide are subject to safety clearance by petroleum engineer.

  • Slush pits are not acceptable. All unstable and toxic materials must be removed, and site made safe.

  • Dwelling located within high voltage electric line easement requires certification of safety from utility company or regulatory agency. High voltage lines may not pass over dwelling or structures. Residential service drop line may not pass over any pool, spa or water feature.

  • Methamphetamine contamination requires certification for safe habitation.

  • Smoke, fumes, offensive or noxious odors must not threaten occupants or marketability.

Plumbing system

  • Must be adequate, safe and operable.

  • Leaks will need repair (except minor leaks such as

  • dripping faucet).

  • Water heater must have a temperature and pressure relief valve with piping to safely divert escaping steam or hot water and be double strapped and raised to code

  • Swimming pools must comply with local ordinances.

  • Presence of algae does not require cleaning if no evidence of other contamination. Must be operational to contribute to value.

  • Sump pumps may be hard-wired or use factory cord for power


  • Homes built before 1978: No chipped or peeling paint on interior or exterior of home and/or structures and improvements.

  • Homes built after 1978: Exterior defective paint that exposes subsurface must be repaired


  • Attic should be observed when possible, however an inaccessible attic is acceptable.

Grading and drainage

  • Grading must provide drainage away from structures.

  • No standing water on site near foundation.

Access to Property

  • Appraiser must note whether there is safe pedestrian access and Adequate Vehicular Access to the site and analyze any effect on value or marketability.

  • Appraiser must ask if a maintenance agreement exists and comment on the condition of the private road or lane.

  • Appraiser must report evidence of a permanent e asement.

Crawl space

  • Vented

  • Clear of debris and vermin.

  • 18” clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists required for maintenance if system components are present.

  • Excessive dampness or ponding of water must be corrected.

  • Lack of access is acceptable if area contains no mechanical systems.


  • Must have 2 years of remaining life

  • Unobservable roof can be reported on by examining attic and ceilings for leakage


  • Electrical system must be adequate, safe and operable with no exposed electrical wiring.

  • Appliances that remain and contribute to value must be operational.

  • Handrails do not need to be present if their absence doesn't pose a safety threat

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